Do Children Need Milk?

You may be surprise but it is complete possible for a child to develop healthy bones and teeth without drink cow's milk. Some people drink a soya milk or amasake (a rice beverage). Some babies can have a milk allergy if their mothers are drinking cow's milk.

Paul Zane Pilzer in his book The Wellness Revolution writes:

     A typical cow in nature can produce up to 10 pounds of milk per day whereas today's torture modern dairy cows produce up to 100 pounds of milk per day are given massive amounts of specialized hormones like bovine growth hormone to increase milk production - making udders so large they often drag on the ground. This result in a frequent infection and the need of constant antibiotics _ the USDA allows drinking milk contain from 1 to 1.5 million white blood cells (that pus to non-biologists) per milliliter.

The bovine growth hormone BGH, pus, and antibiotics remain in the milk after processing and result in all kinds of health problems for those who consume dairy products, especially children. Gas, constipation, allergies and ear infection are common. It is not always clear if the symptoms are from lactose intolerance, antibiotics in milk or allergens in the milk itself.

Dr. Christiane Northrup author of Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom recommend instead of cow's milk that children receive a calcium/magnesium supplement. Magnesium is a mineral that is as important to bone health as calcium. It also helps calcium assimilation. In fact, there is evidence that children are more apt to be magnesium deficient than calcium deficient.

Personally, I still believe very young children should not take tablets at all but have a very good diet with all those food which could provide all the vitamin and nutrients the body need.

Beans, blackstrap molasses, sardines, and dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in calcium, as are a whole host of other foods. The problem is parents allow children go without vegetables for weeks. If this is the case, the supplements are a good option.

Sunlight is vitamin D, an essential nutrient for everybody

It is not only children need sunlight. All of us need it. It is difficulty to find a person who doesn't like sun despite all those propaganda about the dangers of sun exposure. This is because our body tell us we need it regular sunlight to be healthy.

Sun increase serotonin levels in our blood and helping to balance melatonin, the sun's UV rays enable our bodies to manufacture vitamin D in the fat layer under the skin.

The regulation for the amount of vitamin D a child need to take is based on the amount a child needs to prevent rickets, a condiction characterized by abnormal bone formation. But prevention of rickets ins't the only benefit of optimal vitamin D levels. There is a greater role for vitamin  D than was previously understood. Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a precursor hormone that has an essential role in the maintenance of bone, breast, brain, immune system, and gut health. Throughout our lives adequate vitamin D helps build bones mass, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and build join health.

Researchers have even show that supplementation in infants less than a year old of 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day or take 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight reduced the incidence of type 1 diabetes by 80 per cent. It also decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and help prevent some cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancer. In fact, some doctors believe tha suboptimal levels of vitamin D may be one of the reasons why breast cancer incidence is higher in northern  latitudes than nearer the equator.

Exposure to outdoor sunlight is much more reliable predictor of vitamin D levels in your blood than dietary intake. This is party because oral vitamin D requirements  have been found to vary tremendously  among individuals.

Also, vitamin D content of enricher dairy foods varies widely, especially in low-fat dairy food. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and fat-free or low-fat dairy food doesn't contain enough fat to dissolved it. And while it is possible  though rare, to take in toxic levels of vitamin D from suplements, it is impossible for sun exposure to result in too much vitamin D. Our bodily wisdom contains a built-in mechanism whereby we manufacture exactly what we  need from the sun _ no more and no less.

To bring vitamin D levels into a healthy range, all that is needed is for a child to play outside with face and hands exposed for twenty minutes without sunscreen three to five times per week for four to five mouths a year (between April and October in northern latitudes. Her body will make enough vitamin D from this exposure to last the entire year. The more body area exposed, the better. People with a darker pigmentation need more time exposure the key is moderation and avoid sunburn.

The safest time is early morning before 10.00 am and later afternoon after 15.00pm. Avoid the midday sun if is possible.

The must have in a baby's bag

Just after your baby is due you will find yourself very busy trying to deal with all that new routine and also have to attend some doctors appointments or just feeling like go out and about with your little one. 

For these reason it is nice to keep your baby's bag almost ready to go all the time. After some time you will  see how much time you can save just doing such a simple thing.

You will also find you can still doing things you have done before your baby but now with him/her. You can go shopping, parties, go for a last minute lunch or dinner with other mums or just sit with your in a cafe and treat yourself with tea and cakes without need to worry about go home to feed, change or put he/she to sleep.

All you need is to organize yourself and have a good baby buggies and bag. 
There are a range of buggies in the market and I believe  most of the new models are a kind of "transformer" what mean it is a carry cot that can recline and became a reclined chair or a sit straight chair, facing forwards mums or street.

They are handful especially when your baby starts solids and can have food comfortable in his/her on chair wherever you are.

Some buggies are huge but it can be use up to two years old and  you can save some money going for it.

When comes to baby's bag the variety of them in the market is even bigger. I would recommend to any mother any one with a big room in the middle part and good 2 other rooms; one for changing. and other for feeding

Below I had listed  items those can help  you at anytime you go out. You may think it is an exaggeration  but you will be please to have whenever you need it. Also remember not to kill  
yourself to carrying it, stick it under babies pram.

The must have items in a baby's bag up to 1 year.

* A folding change mat
* 5 nappies
* Nappy bag (for dirty ones)
* Baby wipes
* Mini cream anti rash
* Hand gel
* A muslin
* extra vest  and clothes
* sun hat (if is summer)
* Sun Cream (if is summer)
* blanket or accessories (for breast feeding babies)  
* Bottle of milk (bottle feeding)
* disposable bottle bags and extra teats  if you wants to carry only a bottle of milk
* Flask with a hot water in right temperature (bf)
*  Containers with powder milk or 3 cartoon of milk (bf)
* A toy
* Snacks for you and baby (if he/she is more then 6 months)
* A jar of food as emergency for baby 
* A cup for water

After a year this list decrease considerably and a cup for milk or a cartoon of drinking from the strew milk, toilet wipes instead bottles, containers powders, flask and muslin or blanket.

How important is iron in a toddler's diet?

It is really important for a healthy blood cells, which are used to carry oxygen for the whole body.
Iron deficiency and anaemia can cause difficult behaviour and poor concentration in toddlers.

Iron sources can be find i a red meat, beans especially black, oily fish, all dark green vegetables as broccoli, fortified breakfast cereals, dried fruit as apricots, acai berry, vitamins C fruits milk enriched with iron and other vitamins and minerals are also a complementary good source.

The Department of Health recommends that children  aged between one and three years have 6.9mg of iron a day what it is quite a lot consider they found the UK children are getting only 5.6mg. In another word 8 out of 10 UK toddlers aren't meeting the recommended daily amount of iron.

You can help your child absorb more iron each day by providing a diet variety rich in iron sour and adding to this a glass of orange juice to help the body in the iron absorption.

To have an idea of how difficult is for the body absorb iron, just to get half of the recommended iron intake, a toddlers would have to consume around 8 broccoli florets or 3 grilled lamb chops. For this reason is also important you make sure your toddler carry on drinking at least 500ml of milk per day in between a good food diet  up to two years old.


This is the middle term of a doubt every parent has once the child starts to pay attention on TV programs and play video games.
This is a nice research that should be take very serious by parents. As I listen once " the middle is always the best place".

Activity in excess affect children development

Educating a child is not an easy task. Research at University of Montreal, Canada, indicates that children who spend much time watching TV have difficulties in mathematics. Other studies show that excessive gaming is bad and there are those that ensure that electronic games aid vision. What to do before so much information?
Experts say the ideal is to quantitate the activities, alternating work tasks that the two hemispheres of the brain: the left, responsible for logical thinking, and the right, more creative and dreamy.
"For a good intellectual and social development is important to merge activities that stimulate both sides of the brain, like logic games or painting," recommends the course coordinator Daniel Azulay, VĂ¢nia Gennaro.
She recalls that, while drawing, for example, the child works sensitivity, perception and intuition, characteristics that may be a differential in the future. "These skills enhance self-esteem, crucial for life."

Neurologist childhood and adolescence, Marco Antonio Alvarez said that parents should always seek dosing technology with creativity. "Children of the digital age are perhaps better able to relate through a keyboard than with speech, sight and touch. It is important to develop non-verbal language, recognize feelings across the face and gestures to interact with different social groups, learning to listen, express their emotions and be empathic. Furthermore, studies indicate that dealing with computer have a higher concentration and better cognitive skills. "
The doctor explains that the brain is a dynamic organ that must be carved. "The brain is not born ready. Needs to be stimulated and shaped. It's like a city with streets and avenues. If you do not put cars to walk the streets, they close. Telling stories, for example, may seem a purely recreational activity, but stimulates the development of sequencing and organizing activities. "
Stress and absence of parents: Villains
Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which causes cell death in the hippocampus, the brain area responsible for long-term memory. Therefore, no overcharging.
" Children need their parents more than several extracurricular classes. Maybe it's better to play ball with her, singing, playing, than put it into classes. Of course, if she wants to play an instrument or do something specific, will lecture. But if it is very charged, may have anxiety disorder, "says psychiatrist Fabio Barbirato.
Source: O Dia Online.

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