1) A very popular and traditional way to store milk is prepare the feed in the morning each day and cool it in the back of the fridge for at least one hour. Then just take it out of the fridge just before use and re-warm it for no more than 15 minutes. This can also be done if you go out and about with your baby just remember you will need carry it in a cool bag with an ice pack and use it within four hours.
2) Cartons with 250ml of ready milk are available to buy in supermarkets. They are good choice if you are running out of time and will be out for less than 4 hours because once opened it needs to be consumed within 2 hours .
3) If you express milk you can follow the instruction of topic 1.
4) A very modern way to store milk for all day use and also ready to use outside the house at any time is to use a thermal flask. The best ones are those with press down tops (these are available in different sizes and colours in supermarkets such as Tesco, Sanisbury’s and Asda. I personally suggest buying 2 of them each with a size of 500ml. They are good to use for a whole day out and they also fit in most of babies bags. Simply boil fresh tap water the night before and immediately put the water into the thermal flask(s) and leave to cool for around 3 or 4 hours without the top on or until it is a good temperature for your baby drink direct. Put the top on (once cooled) and you will have a water enough for the next day. The only thing you need to do now is just get a baby bottle, add the cooled water plus the milk powder. Even easier than that is to get yourself a milk powder dispenser which you can put in as many scoops of milk powder as your baby needs per feed.
Which milk powder holders is best for use at home or going out with baby?
Multiple Compartment Powder Dispensers
3 compartments
Most milk holders seem to come with multiple compartments and a single top that spins to allow you to choose which compartment to dispense. These are available in Boots, Avent, Tesco etc.
The trouble with the multiple feeders (with 3 compartments ) is that they just store enough powder for 3 feeds which is not great for a long day out.
5 compartments
These are pretty big and a good example is the ones from Bibi which looks like a milk bottle with 5 layers.
These are easy to use to make the first feed but the other feeds are difficult because you need to change the layers underneath putting the empty one at the bottom and the new layer full of powder on top.
and also has a packet of individual circular mini containers from Tomme Tippee which can be carried inside a milk bottle. These are good because they don’t take any space in your bag unlike the normal milk bottles which have a colic device inside.
Individual milk powder dispenser
The third is the one I consider the best for the reason that you can store them inside your normal milk bottles before use. This is because most of them come in a pack of 6 with each container holding 8 scoops of milk powder - that means 250ml of milk. You can fill all of them in the morning with powder and keep on the kitchen counter beside your water flask. If you need to go out, just take the flask together with as many powder containers you think you may need in your baby bag. At the end of the day you will always know how many bottles your baby had.
Formula Dispenser: Bibi, Brother Max, Tomme Tippee and Philips Avent
A bottle flask with boiled water in a right temperature, Tomme Tippee dispenser with milk powder ready to go or be put in.
Remember; always do your hands hygiene before the preparation of your baby’s milk.