The second-stage of weaning starts after you have introduced vegetables and fruits at around seven months.
At this stage you can be a little bit more adventurous and make it even more lumpy. If you’ve started with a very creamy texture you may find your baby will refuse the consistency. However, it’s really important that you start do this because by one year your baby needs to be able to eat rice, mince etc. all of which will be in a normal consistency. Also at this stage, you should start to serve different kinds of vegetables together so your baby gets more vitamins and increases the amount of food intake.
As any mother knows it is healthier for your baby to have organic fruits and vegetables. The best way to guarantee she is really getting the best is to buy fresh food and cook it yourself. I know not every mother has the opportunity or skills to do this but it is worth considering.
The skills are something you can learn with a little dedication. I always cook dinner for my husband and myself but I like to say I just started to learn cooking after my first child. The reason is because I had to learn to cook without salt or sugar and substituting both for herbs and spices etc. I also started to read about the vitamins contained in foods which was very good for all of us.
However, if you cook every day for your baby it might be worth considering at the weekend or few days to offer your baby food from a jar. Especially if you will go out for lunch or dinner with your partner. This way, you’ll help yourself when you need to leave the house in a rush and it is babys time to eat. This also helps if you are going to spend a full day travelling. Trying jar food once a week will also help to make your baby less fussy and you’ll have time to observe which kind of jar food she likes.