Don’t panic! It is normal. You’ll need to be very patient and start to change something around the house and maybe the way you cook. Babies get very easily distracted and get bored of the feeding routine at this stage. Being creative can bring you baby back to the everyday feeding routine. You can start moving her high chair close to the family table so she feels part of daily life. If you can’t change her chair - place it by the window where she can see the street movement or the garden. Another option is to switch on the tv to a baby channel just so she gets distracted (if you do switch on the tv 3 times a week for one or two hours it doesn’t mean your baby will get used to it nor will it be a habit for the future).
With all of these tips above, I still believe the best way to get your childs appetite back is to make their food smell delicious and let the smell waft all around the house. Who can resist a delicious cooking smell? Babies are just the same. If you have been frozing pure baby food it is even easier. Keep a garlic chicken or beef stock in the fridge for up to a week. Defrost the mix of vegetables you intend to give. For example 3 ice cubes of sweet potatoes with 2 of sweet corn, 1 of black bean, 1 of courgette and 3 of frozen chicken. Fry half a tea spoon of butter and add two table spoons of the stock, leaving it to burn a little bit, than add the ingredients and stir for 1 or 2 minutes and leave it to cool while you place your baby in a high chair.