I started my baby in figs when she was 6 months old and even thought it is a expensive fruit to buy out of season I still giving to her. That is because they are a good source of potassium, manganese and dietary fibre especially in fibre pectin. They are also a good source of calcium.
The fibre content of figs is higher than that in any other fruit or vegetable. Five figs containing more that 20 per cent of the daily recommendations for fibre.
Curiously I had observed in my daughter that always when I give her figs or add it in her food she falls in a very relax deep sleep 30 minutes after meal. Later on my studies I find out that figs contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes good sleep, encourage the brain to use glucose properly and stimulate circulation.
Traditionally, they have been used to enhance liver function and, as highly alkaline food they help to regulate the body's pH balance.
They are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which are powerfull antioxidants. Dried figs contain higher levels of naturally occurring sugars, but the other nutrients are well preserved.
Because of all of the above, I strongly recommend figs for babies and children.