Babies and children swimming time

Many mums worry that their baby are too young to go to the pool ,or that they need to take first immunisations or even extra immunisations. In fact, swimming is a fantastic way to kick-start your baby confidence in the water and the Department of health says you can take your baby to swimming any time.

Mother need to wait six-week checkup before go to the pool.

The chid contact with water in the first months of life help to improve health in a good moment when he is discovering the world.

Under profissional care, babies are able to execute movements, showing a serie of commons reflexes on the first childhood.

Through out esterioceptives stimulus, activities help well development of sensorials organs as touching, hearing, seeing and smelling.

Around 8 months, babies are able to control the passive moviments and flowting . Between 13-14 months, the baby movement in the water increase and they can flowting on their belly and start to looking for the polls edge to leave.

Between 14-24 months babies can control very well their movements and change the direction. Beginning to jump and play.

Swim promote a miryad of organic, social, terapeutical and recreative benefit for your baby, as well as, help the social interaction your baby has with other children. The physical activity of swim has a good impact on the sleeping and eating habits of your baby.

 Baby might be benefit from being cradled in a deep bath of war water and gently splash about so he associates water with playtime.

When getting ready to go the pool, you will need some special items as: your usual changing bag, pack towels swimming clothes or nappies (remember; swimming nappies should be put on just before you get into the swimming area for avoid accident because they don't work if is dry), sandals with straps for toddlers and big children to avoid feet contact with bathroom floors, soap and shampoo for a hot shower before go back home.

Also, check the water temperature before you get in with your baby, it is ideal between 28 to 32 degrees, if you know about swimming centre that treat the water through ionization or eletrolise of salt, they are best in clean and  maintain the pool's water.

Get yourself ready to the pool before you change your baby. Mostly of the leissures centre has a baby facilities with play pet, where you can keep you baby safely, while change yourself.

When going inside the pool, keep your baby face close to yours in a way he can focus on you, feeling comfortable this will reassure him.. Gently splash the water on him till he gets use to. If he like bath toys, take one with you. Start to take him in a quiet time, when the pool is more empty for he doesn't get scared by lot of noise.

When he is in the water play with him gently and sing a rhyme if he enjoy that.After some time,  he will understand that swim is a fun time.