This is the middle term of a doubt every parent has once the child starts to pay attention on TV programs and play video games.
This is a nice research that should be take very serious by parents. As I listen once " the middle is always the best place".

Activity in excess affect children development

Educating a child is not an easy task. Research at University of Montreal, Canada, indicates that children who spend much time watching TV have difficulties in mathematics. Other studies show that excessive gaming is bad and there are those that ensure that electronic games aid vision. What to do before so much information?
Experts say the ideal is to quantitate the activities, alternating work tasks that the two hemispheres of the brain: the left, responsible for logical thinking, and the right, more creative and dreamy.
"For a good intellectual and social development is important to merge activities that stimulate both sides of the brain, like logic games or painting," recommends the course coordinator Daniel Azulay, Vânia Gennaro.
She recalls that, while drawing, for example, the child works sensitivity, perception and intuition, characteristics that may be a differential in the future. "These skills enhance self-esteem, crucial for life."

Neurologist childhood and adolescence, Marco Antonio Alvarez said that parents should always seek dosing technology with creativity. "Children of the digital age are perhaps better able to relate through a keyboard than with speech, sight and touch. It is important to develop non-verbal language, recognize feelings across the face and gestures to interact with different social groups, learning to listen, express their emotions and be empathic. Furthermore, studies indicate that dealing with computer have a higher concentration and better cognitive skills. "
The doctor explains that the brain is a dynamic organ that must be carved. "The brain is not born ready. Needs to be stimulated and shaped. It's like a city with streets and avenues. If you do not put cars to walk the streets, they close. Telling stories, for example, may seem a purely recreational activity, but stimulates the development of sequencing and organizing activities. "
Stress and absence of parents: Villains
Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which causes cell death in the hippocampus, the brain area responsible for long-term memory. Therefore, no overcharging.
" Children need their parents more than several extracurricular classes. Maybe it's better to play ball with her, singing, playing, than put it into classes. Of course, if she wants to play an instrument or do something specific, will lecture. But if it is very charged, may have anxiety disorder, "says psychiatrist Fabio Barbirato.
Source: O Dia Online.