Tantrum starts as soon as your little one starts to observe how much attention he or she gets from you when he cry for any reason. It means tantrum starts when your child is still baby (because babies are clever than we imagine) and gets worth when he is a toddler and can reach things, walk by himself, explore.
Tantrums is part of a child development. Is through a tantrum a child bursts of emotion and express her frustration.
When a child have a tantrum the first thing you should try to do make sure she is safe. If you are at home and she's thrashing about, put her in the cot. If you are on the street, consider to hold her in your arms if you need cross the road. If you are in a restaurant, pub or party consider to go out for few minutes or go to the bathroom, garden or any reserved area if it makes you feel embarrassed.
Next thing you should do is try to calm her down and stay calm yourself because despite nasty looks from strangers there is not a lot you can do to stop it once started.
It is important you help your child to calm down but leaving her comfy to learn to calm herself too.
Surprisingly, the biggest cause of babies and toddlers tantrums is;
- Parents not listening to the child and,
- A child not being able to control herself.
Many outburst can be averted if parents think about how it started because normally they are consequence of their own actions. If you take a child out when she is tired or ignore pleas to fix a toy because you are doing something else.
Try to explain the situation in a way she can understand.
In case the tantrum gets worth and you don't get stopped the next step is distract your baby. This is always the best option but make sure you don't give her a bribe or incentive could reward the behaviour.
Bringing your child into a game, do something funny, ask for help with a chore or task, mind be enough for distract her long enough for she forget what was upset her.
When the tantrum is finally over, try to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, if you show you are cross, your child mind see tantrum as a way of provoking you. Give her a hug if all the issues have been resolved. Don't give her a hug if she still complaining as this could send her a message she was in some way rightto have the tantrum in the first place.