For some mother to be pregnancy can be a very delighting and stressful time especially for does who enjoy have a drink with a friends and parties.
New research published in the Journal Of Epidemiology And Community Health concluded that children of mothers who drank one or two units of alcohol a week during pregnancy have suffered no ill-effects by the time they are 5 years old. They also do not have a behavioural difficulties and neither are they behind in their intellectual development.
The study looked at 11,500 children who were born between September 2000 and January 2002, mother were questioned about their drinking habits while pregnant. Through It they found that children whose mothers had been regular drinkers - having seven or more units a week, or six at one sitting ( one unit being half a glass of wine or third of a pint of beer ) were more likely to have behavioural and emotional problems than those whose mothers abstained during the pregnancy.
However, there was no evidence to suggest that the children of light drinkers, whose mothers had no more than the odd glass of wine a week, had been in any way harmed.
In fact, the children of women who had a couple of units of alcohol per week were 30% less likely to have behavioural problems and and had higher scores in mental developments tests than those of women who hadn't had any alcohol at all.
The government stands on the side of caution by advising pregnant women should stay away from alcohol.
The executive Director of of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-UK, Susan Fleisher adds; We support and reiterate the Department of Health guidance, which is to avoid alcohol when pregnant or trying to conceive.
The Dr. Yvonne Kelly of University College London's department of epidemiology and public health, is the author of the report and argues that the findings should help to give women credible information to help them decide whether to drink alcohol during pregnancy.
"Working through and with the laws of nature, creates and sustains our bodies from the beginning to the end of our lives. To have maximal access to our ability to maintain or achieve optimal health and happiness, we need to know how to acknowledge, embrace, and access the power contained in this consciousness. Later we must learn how to consciously and skilfully use that power at each stage of our life journey"
What to buy for baby 2 years old as a present?
A 2 year old babies are very mobile and enjoy playing outside in playgrounds and also indoors in soft playgrounds but when it is time to choose a toy as a present, strong colours and size is what matter the most.
Doll characters from your child favourite TV program will do well, if you allow your child to enjoy any.
They love pretending to do house work so, things such as mini car-stroller, Lego 2+, mega blocks, mini vacuum cleaning, mini cooker, shopping trolley, mini washing machine can be a very good idea. Normally they are for 3+ but apart from the small pieces, most children love it whilst others show an interest in dolls.
I have selected some presents which could please children when they are 2 years old and also their parents.
You can check them out below.
Doll characters from your child favourite TV program will do well, if you allow your child to enjoy any.
They love pretending to do house work so, things such as mini car-stroller, Lego 2+, mega blocks, mini vacuum cleaning, mini cooker, shopping trolley, mini washing machine can be a very good idea. Normally they are for 3+ but apart from the small pieces, most children love it whilst others show an interest in dolls.
I have selected some presents which could please children when they are 2 years old and also their parents.
You can check them out below.
How to prepare a fresh and cheap orange juice?
Orange juice has a lots of benefits for everyone; adults, children and babies 6 months plus.
However, I'm talk about that old fashion orange juice that give us a lots of work to do it and not about that easy 1 litre carton available everywhere nowadays.
Consuming a freshly squeezed orange juice give you many benefits as a health body.
Orange juice contains flavonoids that will be very useful in controlling blood pressure level and bad cholesterol what makes it amazing for people suffering from hypertension .
Also, you will get the best of vitamin c that is important to boost the system of immune and prevent the sell damage. It is a good antixidant, thats mean, it can be used to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals within your body cells. It is good for repairing the broken sells of our body. It contains minerals like magnesium as well as potassium, helps to prevent from fatal disease for instance stroke and heart attack as well as prevent against cancer.
Why should we prepare it instead buy?
Because the orange juice package contains many various chemicals as it will help the orange juice to stay good for a long period of time. Making yourself a orange juice will ensure that you and your family will get the best of it.
However, I had notice that people prefer to buy it because it is convenient for some reasons like:
If you have a family of 3 and have a juice machine you don't want to put all of that stuff out and make that huge mess to make only you and your baby or child a glass of juice every day, once dad is not around.
If you family is too big and you find It will be expensive buy so many orange always.
If you are by yourself etc.
Each one of us find an excuse to justify the fact of not do squeeze an orange, lemon or lime and instead, just buy a ready made one. For all of these excuse and as I always say "the market nowadays are full of products that are design to make our life simple" it is just the case of look for them.
I myself had solved my orange, lime and lemon problem in a very simple and inexpensive way. I find what I consider the best lemon, orange and lime squeeze that fits my reality and I will present it under the page for you although it is not my intention to do the market of it here but instead, give you that incentive to leave some of our old know-how and look what people are making that can make your life better in a way you can have more quality time for yourself and your family.
Here we have some of the products is on the market that can make easy to squeeze. Some are old fashion models, other are kite new design. My favourite is the gray and lemon one (Joseph Joseph) because it is strong to squeeze, catch the seeds and after used very, very easy to wash.
Can babies eat kiwi fruit?
Babies can eat kiwi fruit although, as a strawberries, It is recommended to introduce in his/her diet after baby is 9 months older. The reason is that some babies have a allergic reaction to the little seeds.
Kiwi are high fiber fruit, a excellent source of vitamins C, A and E. Contain magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and copper.
Kiwi is rich in antioxidants and enzymes. Research has shown that Kiwis are effective against respiratory-related health problems including wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing.
If you decide to give your baby kiwi before 9 months you can juicing It, blend It sieve and serve.
Don't forget that the kiwi must be peel before eat. We don't eat the skin.
Kiwi are high fiber fruit, a excellent source of vitamins C, A and E. Contain magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and copper.
Kiwi is rich in antioxidants and enzymes. Research has shown that Kiwis are effective against respiratory-related health problems including wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing.
If you decide to give your baby kiwi before 9 months you can juicing It, blend It sieve and serve.
Don't forget that the kiwi must be peel before eat. We don't eat the skin.
Babies and children swimming time
Many mums worry that their baby are too young to go to the pool ,or that they need to take first immunisations or even extra immunisations. In fact, swimming is a fantastic way to kick-start your baby confidence in the water and the Department of health says you can take your baby to swimming any time.
Mother need to wait six-week checkup before go to the pool.
The chid contact with water in the first months of life help to improve health in a good moment when he is discovering the world.
Under profissional care, babies are able to execute movements, showing a serie of commons reflexes on the first childhood.
Through out esterioceptives stimulus, activities help well development of sensorials organs as touching, hearing, seeing and smelling.
Around 8 months, babies are able to control the passive moviments and flowting . Between 13-14 months, the baby movement in the water increase and they can flowting on their belly and start to looking for the polls edge to leave.
Between 14-24 months babies can control very well their movements and change the direction. Beginning to jump and play.
Swim promote a miryad of organic, social, terapeutical and recreative benefit for your baby, as well as, help the social interaction your baby has with other children. The physical activity of swim has a good impact on the sleeping and eating habits of your baby.
Baby might be benefit from being cradled in a deep bath of war water and gently splash about so he associates water with playtime.
When getting ready to go the pool, you will need some special items as: your usual changing bag, pack towels swimming clothes or nappies (remember; swimming nappies should be put on just before you get into the swimming area for avoid accident because they don't work if is dry), sandals with straps for toddlers and big children to avoid feet contact with bathroom floors, soap and shampoo for a hot shower before go back home.
Also, check the water temperature before you get in with your baby, it is ideal between 28 to 32 degrees, if you know about swimming centre that treat the water through ionization or eletrolise of salt, they are best in clean and maintain the pool's water.
Get yourself ready to the pool before you change your baby. Mostly of the leissures centre has a baby facilities with play pet, where you can keep you baby safely, while change yourself.
When going inside the pool, keep your baby face close to yours in a way he can focus on you, feeling comfortable this will reassure him.. Gently splash the water on him till he gets use to. If he like bath toys, take one with you. Start to take him in a quiet time, when the pool is more empty for he doesn't get scared by lot of noise.
When he is in the water play with him gently and sing a rhyme if he enjoy that.After some time, he will understand that swim is a fun time.
Mother need to wait six-week checkup before go to the pool.
The chid contact with water in the first months of life help to improve health in a good moment when he is discovering the world.
Under profissional care, babies are able to execute movements, showing a serie of commons reflexes on the first childhood.
Through out esterioceptives stimulus, activities help well development of sensorials organs as touching, hearing, seeing and smelling.
Around 8 months, babies are able to control the passive moviments and flowting . Between 13-14 months, the baby movement in the water increase and they can flowting on their belly and start to looking for the polls edge to leave.
Between 14-24 months babies can control very well their movements and change the direction. Beginning to jump and play.
Swim promote a miryad of organic, social, terapeutical and recreative benefit for your baby, as well as, help the social interaction your baby has with other children. The physical activity of swim has a good impact on the sleeping and eating habits of your baby.
Baby might be benefit from being cradled in a deep bath of war water and gently splash about so he associates water with playtime.
When getting ready to go the pool, you will need some special items as: your usual changing bag, pack towels swimming clothes or nappies (remember; swimming nappies should be put on just before you get into the swimming area for avoid accident because they don't work if is dry), sandals with straps for toddlers and big children to avoid feet contact with bathroom floors, soap and shampoo for a hot shower before go back home.
Also, check the water temperature before you get in with your baby, it is ideal between 28 to 32 degrees, if you know about swimming centre that treat the water through ionization or eletrolise of salt, they are best in clean and maintain the pool's water.
Get yourself ready to the pool before you change your baby. Mostly of the leissures centre has a baby facilities with play pet, where you can keep you baby safely, while change yourself.
When going inside the pool, keep your baby face close to yours in a way he can focus on you, feeling comfortable this will reassure him.. Gently splash the water on him till he gets use to. If he like bath toys, take one with you. Start to take him in a quiet time, when the pool is more empty for he doesn't get scared by lot of noise.
When he is in the water play with him gently and sing a rhyme if he enjoy that.After some time, he will understand that swim is a fun time.
Tantrum: How can you cope with it?
Tantrum starts as soon as your little one starts to observe how much attention he or she gets from you when he cry for any reason. It means tantrum starts when your child is still baby (because babies are clever than we imagine) and gets worth when he is a toddler and can reach things, walk by himself, explore.
Tantrums is part of a child development. Is through a tantrum a child bursts of emotion and express her frustration.
When a child have a tantrum the first thing you should try to do make sure she is safe. If you are at home and she's thrashing about, put her in the cot. If you are on the street, consider to hold her in your arms if you need cross the road. If you are in a restaurant, pub or party consider to go out for few minutes or go to the bathroom, garden or any reserved area if it makes you feel embarrassed.
Next thing you should do is try to calm her down and stay calm yourself because despite nasty looks from strangers there is not a lot you can do to stop it once started.
It is important you help your child to calm down but leaving her comfy to learn to calm herself too.
Surprisingly, the biggest cause of babies and toddlers tantrums is;
- Parents not listening to the child and,
- A child not being able to control herself.
Many outburst can be averted if parents think about how it started because normally they are consequence of their own actions. If you take a child out when she is tired or ignore pleas to fix a toy because you are doing something else.
Try to explain the situation in a way she can understand.
In case the tantrum gets worth and you don't get stopped the next step is distract your baby. This is always the best option but make sure you don't give her a bribe or incentive could reward the behaviour.
Bringing your child into a game, do something funny, ask for help with a chore or task, mind be enough for distract her long enough for she forget what was upset her.
When the tantrum is finally over, try to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, if you show you are cross, your child mind see tantrum as a way of provoking you. Give her a hug if all the issues have been resolved. Don't give her a hug if she still complaining as this could send her a message she was in some way rightto have the tantrum in the first place.
Tantrums is part of a child development. Is through a tantrum a child bursts of emotion and express her frustration.
When a child have a tantrum the first thing you should try to do make sure she is safe. If you are at home and she's thrashing about, put her in the cot. If you are on the street, consider to hold her in your arms if you need cross the road. If you are in a restaurant, pub or party consider to go out for few minutes or go to the bathroom, garden or any reserved area if it makes you feel embarrassed.
Next thing you should do is try to calm her down and stay calm yourself because despite nasty looks from strangers there is not a lot you can do to stop it once started.
It is important you help your child to calm down but leaving her comfy to learn to calm herself too.
Surprisingly, the biggest cause of babies and toddlers tantrums is;
- Parents not listening to the child and,
- A child not being able to control herself.
Many outburst can be averted if parents think about how it started because normally they are consequence of their own actions. If you take a child out when she is tired or ignore pleas to fix a toy because you are doing something else.
Try to explain the situation in a way she can understand.
In case the tantrum gets worth and you don't get stopped the next step is distract your baby. This is always the best option but make sure you don't give her a bribe or incentive could reward the behaviour.
Bringing your child into a game, do something funny, ask for help with a chore or task, mind be enough for distract her long enough for she forget what was upset her.
When the tantrum is finally over, try to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, if you show you are cross, your child mind see tantrum as a way of provoking you. Give her a hug if all the issues have been resolved. Don't give her a hug if she still complaining as this could send her a message she was in some way rightto have the tantrum in the first place.
Fussy babies and toddlers eaters
It is very common for babies and toddlers to be fussy eaters at some point of childhood. It happen suddenly and sometimes it is connect to a change in the eating habits such as when they starts to feeding themselves or drink from a cup instead bottle or not, they suddenly just start to refuse foods they used to love.
Changing habits it will be a gradual process but if you focus on the positives and avoids turning meal times into a battle and distress moment you can instead finish a meal frustrated encourage your child to come back eat old favourite and try new foods as well.
Some tips that can help you to copy with fussy eaters babies and toddlers;
· Patience is the first step because even though you think this is your problem and none of the others mums you know have the same problem, they have or had at sometime.
· When the food is ready, don’t come to the table angry or anxious because your baby will get these feelings from you.· Sit together at the table in a way your baby can see everyone eating the same food as him and enjoying the meal.
· Presenting your toddler with a mountain of food can overwhelming and put him off even trying to eat is not a good idea. Serve up small portions in a nice presentation.
· Try to offer him milk from a cup and do not fill him up on milk because he won’t be hungry for solid food. Alternatively, give him milk 0ne and a half hour after solid food instead before.
· Combine new foods with old favourites it is also a good thing to try.
· If your baby has missed a meal and is tempting to give him a biscuits and crisps give him instead healthy and nutritious snacks like cheese, breadsticks, hummus and pitta. In order to avoid spoiling your child’s appetite, don’t offer snacks close to mealtimes.
· A hungry child is less fussy child so he’s likely to eat better at the next mealtime. Changing his eating habits will take time but, with patience and praise you can encourage him try new flavours.
· When your baby or toddler refuses to eat, simply remove his plate calmily. Ignore any fussy behaviour so he learns it won’t get him any attention. But give him lots of praise when he does try something new.
Family Meals Routine
Make times for family meals it is really important to built up a child early social experience. Eat is a social moment which must be done in a relax and pleasure atmosphere.
Research has shown that families who sit down to meals together at least three times per week are healthier and their children are better students.
We all should avoid using dinner time to bring up an entire day's worth of family conflicts and unfinished business what can link to stress and set up a metabolic pattern that favours indigestion.
The digestive system of a child it is very sensitive to family stress and that why the way a child is fed and the environment in which she is fed profoundly affect how her body assimilates her food. The way which a family deals with control, issues, conflict and all other emotions associated with them is often obvious around the family dinner table.
Read what Dr Christiane Northrup wrote in her book Mother- Daughter Wisdom (creating a legacy of physical and emotional health):
Research has shown that families who sit down to meals together at least three times per week are healthier and their children are better students.
We all should avoid using dinner time to bring up an entire day's worth of family conflicts and unfinished business what can link to stress and set up a metabolic pattern that favours indigestion.
The digestive system of a child it is very sensitive to family stress and that why the way a child is fed and the environment in which she is fed profoundly affect how her body assimilates her food. The way which a family deals with control, issues, conflict and all other emotions associated with them is often obvious around the family dinner table.
Read what Dr Christiane Northrup wrote in her book Mother- Daughter Wisdom (creating a legacy of physical and emotional health):
In fact what happens in your dinner table is a metaphor for dynamics within your family system.How does your family interact? There are two characteristic patterns of relating that can engender illness within a family. These are enmeshment and disengagement. Both are characterized by rigid maladaptive interactions in which conflicts are never resolved.
I this kind of families, boundaries between individual members are weak or missing. A change in one family member or in the relationship between two members reverberates throughout the family system.
In Denises family, her mother and father usually pass like two ships in the night, having grown apart emotionally. Her mother makes up for this by being overly involved in her teenage son's life.
As dinner starts, mother and son are deep in conversation about who he should take to a dance. They discuss the pros and cons of a number of different girls. The son offers much more person information than most adolescents would be willing to share. Denise, who is ten , listen in desperately tries to take part, but she is definitely on the sidelines. Partway through the meal, her father walks in. After a perfunctory hello, her mother ignores him and continues to talking to her son. Denise feels bad and pushes her plate away, having lost her appetite. Her body has picked up from the fact that her father is excluded. She gets up and brings him a plate of food, thus assuming the ity for his care. When the son finished eating, he announces that he has to go to football practice. As soon as he leaves, Denise's mother stands up and says to the father, 'Can you believe who John is thinking of taking to that dance?' They then discuss their son social life in vivid detail. Denise's brother is clearly the linchpin of the household, the person everyone talks about and centres of their lives around.
Denise feels left out but understands at some level that the only way to fit into her family is to worship her older brother as much as her mother and father do.
In enmeshed families, everyone knows everyone else's business.
In healthier families, each member has his or her metaphorical room and is allowed and expected to close or open their door as needed. In enmeshed families, there's no privacy - either physically or psychologically. Anyone can barge in at any time. As a result, individual family members can't grow as individuals. When a personal boundary is crossed, a child may feel the need to act inappropriately parentally towards one of her parents. This is exactly what happened to my patient Claire.
Starting at about the age of eight, Claire became the real-life Cinderella of her family - before the prince. Because her mother worked, she was expected to clean the house, prepare the family meals, and clean up afterwards. Her older sister did next to nothing.
Finally, her spine collapsed under the weight of this kind of responsibility, which was too much for any child. She developed a very severe scoliosis and required surgery. Under normal circumstances, this would have separated her from her role in the family. However, separation in a enmeshed family isn't allowed.
When a family member tries to individuate - or forced to by illness - other family members can't deal with it. While Claire was in the hospital, her father lost weight. He wanted her to hurry up and come home so that she could cook and serve! Instead, because of the body cast and her mother's work schedule, she went to live with a relative for six months. She eventually healed and returned home, but the entire experience changed her profoundly. She was expected to go back to her usual role as though nothing had happened, but the unresolved conflicts, especially with her mother, began to erupt shortly thereafter - when Claire entered puberty.
The royal we. Your mother refers to family members as 'we' or 'the family' as though the family weren't composed of individuals. She avoids the word 'I' and expects you to do so as well. ('But we always serve crown roast of pork on Christmas Eve') Having an identity separate from the family is discouraged.
Recognition through serving the family. Female family members, in particular, get their sense of accomplishment and worth from serving the family in some way. Girls often strive for recognition by learning how to bake breads, biscuits and other high-glycemic carbohydrates that the family loves.
Payback for individuation. If you chose to pursue an activity that is not approved by the family, you will experience a 'payback' of some kind showing their disapproval. You're guilty when you follow your own heart and not the previously approved activities of the family. One of my friends became a vegetarian during college, letting her family know about her new preferences. But when she came home for her holidays, her mother served a pot roast on the first night. And when my friend didn't eat it, her mother said angrily, 'well, just don't know what you want any more,' and cleared the table abruptly.
Keeping it close to home. Everyone in your family lives within a small radius of each other. The vast majority of your social life revolves around family, such as birthdays, christenings, and anniversaries, and adult children are expected to turn up regularly for Sunday dinner at 'home'. If they don't live close by, they call each other every day.
The family loudspeaker system. When anything happen in your life, everyone in your family knows about it within a day. Family members often talk through another person. Mediating go-betweens are usually female, with the matriarch of the clan serving as harmonizer.
Abandon ship. Enmeshed families tend to have poor boundaries and weak alliances that are easily broken through triangulation. Let's say that a mother and daughter have decided that the girl should have a new outfit for the first day of school. It's expensive, but perfect. But then her father comes home, hears about the outfit, and decides that he can't afford it. Instantly the mother abandons her former alliance with the daughter and sides with the father. The girl is left feeling abandoned, but if she tries to protest, her mother says, 'why can't we all just get along?'
Decision through family polling. People in your family can't make a move or decision without running a family poll first. If you try to make a decision on your own, there's retribution.
The human smoother. You or your mother have been trained to be 'smoothers' or harmonizers' whose job is to get any potential conflict back under the rug as soon as possible. You use vague, non-specific language to avoid conflict while tangentially alluding to it. For example, your mother is having a problem with your father, but she won't talk about this directly or even admit that two of them are having a problem. Instead, she will say, I'm just unhappy when there are fights in 'the family'. Families who demonstrate this behaviour tend to agree on things instantly and deny any conflict. When one member begins to individuate in any way, they make that person 'the bad one' and then spend their time scheming about how to re-enfold the one who 'got away'.
Holidays on command. Neither you, your mother, nor other family members have ever spent major holidays away from home. If you don't arrive the day before the holiday, everyone has something to say about it. The holiday meal itself is a 'command performance' that you skip at your peril. And you'd better overeat to show your appreciation, because mum 'put so much effort into it'.
Parent as social organizer. Your mother orchestrates the social obligations of the family members and then, through guilt, coerces you to fulfil them. For example, you are expected to invite your parents friends to wedding, even if you don't know them. You're also expected to go to your parents friends funerals and other major life celebrations of people whom you don't know well or even care about.
The wounded puppy syndrome. Family members attempt to elicit nurturing sympathy, or protection by acting meek, weak, or defenceless. Dragging a metaphoric wounded paw deters and avoids conflict. Example: you announce that you are going out with friends on Christmas Eve after the family goes to church. Your mother looks at you with tears in her eyes, and says, 'Oh, I was so looking forward to sitting around the fire as a family this evening just like old times.
These families are overly boundaried, the opposite of enmeshment. There is a lot of distance and privacy among family members, unbalanced is placed on formal 'rules'. Communication is guarded. Emphasis is placed on formal 'rules'. Conflict is suppressed or ignored.
Joan came from what she now refers to as a 'sanitized' family.
Her mother, a woman who was trained in 1950s-style home economics, prided herself on serving well-balanced and attractive meals, taking care to put the food on each plate 'just so' before presenting it to her family. Second helpings were discouraged because Joan's mother believed in making 'just enough' . When Joan and her brother were little, they weren't allowed to have dinner with their parents.
They are fed earlier in the evening, often before their father got home from work. When he did come home, the children were cautioned not to 'bother' him because he worked so hard. They were expected to play quietly on their own while Joan's mother and father enjoyed a prolonged cocktail hour before dinner. This further separated the family members from each other by 'medicating' them.
Joan remembers that when she was finally allowed to join her parents at dinner, she was often burting with enthusiasm, longing to share the details of her day with her father. But she had to do this with restraint, and only after she was 'called upon' to speak by her father.
Her father routinely tapped her elbow with his knife to move it off the edge of the table. And he often said, 'Is this the way you're going to eat if you're invited to an official function?' Dinner was served in courses, so Joan's mother spent most of the time going backwards and forwards to and from the kitchen rather than participating.
Take a number. There's no such thing as a spontaneous dinner conversation. Family members have to talk 'in turn', not all at once.
Keep your voice down. This type of family valeus order and control above else. Therefore, singing or laughing out loud at the table is discouraged. Loud talking discussion are also frowned upon.
Rigid rules. How one folds his or her napkin and uses utensils is far more important than family fun or interaction. The table is often set 'just so'. The serving bowls, plates, and utensils are deemed more important than the food itself.
No seconds allowed. The concept of abundance around food is lost on this type of family. Each member gets a small amount of each dish. There isn't enough for second helping. In fact,, second helping are considered 'excessive'. On the other hand, you're also expected to 'clean your plate'.
Don't ask, don't tell. Members of overly boundaries families don't ask each other how they're really feeling, nor do they share their true feeling with each other. Anything stronger than the mid-range 'I'm fine' type of feeling is considered too messy and difficult to control.
Feelings are dealt with through addictions. Disengaged families often use alcohol, food, or cigarrettes to push down spontaneous, unacceptable emotions. The remarks and behaviour that emerge under cover of alcohol are supposed to be forgotten or excused.
We've always done it that way. Disengaged families tend to follow the same holiday or birthday rituals year after year - going to the same places, having the same people over, cooking the same 'traditions' over and over again.
The cold shoulder. Because real emotions aren't discussed, rigid families have a host of physical signs that signal members not 'go there'. They ignore emotional 'outbursts' of any kind, and give those who engage in them the cold shoulder. This kind, of passive-aggressive behaviour guarantees that no conflict will even be addressed, let alone resolved. When asked a question they don't want to answer or address, parents often simply remain silent.
Here comes the judge. Rigid families think they're morally superior to others and convey this through a 'nose in the air' attitude. Hearing a constant stream of disapproval of others' minor behavioural slips makes a child anxious. The whole whole word is boody-trapped with rules, but because they are unspoken, the child is left guessing at what is expected of her. If she inadvertently breaks one of these unspoken rules, she's reprimanded by being told 'you should have known that that would upset daddy,' and so on.
Taking hostages. If you don't conform to the rules and regulations, you are ignored, scapegoated, criticized, or belittled. For children, attention is like oxygen. They need to thrive. But in a rigid, controlling family, they must 'de-self' themselves to get it. (For example, the father tells his daughter, 'your mother worked on this dinner all day. So you're going to eat it and like it).
Shark-infested waters. Rigid family system are often run on unexpressed anger that lurks right beneath the surface. Children are very intuitive and know this. So they will learn how to deflect this anger to make sure it doesn't get expressed directly or, worse, land on them. (For example, they work at being especially pleasing to Daddy or Mummy by saying 'I love you', or by being the perfect little hostess who is always very helpful.)
Don't be surprised if you identify with a number of the patterns describe above. There's no such thing as a 'perfect' family that is completely free from unresolved emotional patterns. After all, some of these patterns have been handed down for generations! However, we're less like to repeat them once we're conscious of them, so it's solve to heal them as best you can so that they are not passed on to your daugters. This is a lifelong process. Just do the best you can and let the rest go.
Home birth
If you are planning to have a home birth it is wise get as much information about before really go for it.
Home birth can carry some extra risks and for this reason it is advice that mothers talk to her doctor before decided.
If you have a low risk pregnancy, the chances of your baby dying during or shortly after labour is the same as it is during a hospital birth.
If you have a high-risk pregnancy or low-lying placenta or baby in a breech position it is advice have your baby at the hospital but still wants to have a baby at home it is wise request 2 midwives, one for the labour and other for the birth.
Normally the midwives who attend home birth are experienced and trained in resuscitation, what can reduce risks.
What can goes wrong in a Home birth?
The baby's heartbeat can slows. The mother's cervix isn't dilating. Baby can suffering respiratory distress and not being treated in time, this can happen when baby might not be adequately monitored for early signis of distress, whereas in the Hospital he is constantly checked.
Also, the resuscitation at home is less likely to be successful as the midwife might not be as well trained or have adequate equipment.
Home birth can carry some extra risks and for this reason it is advice that mothers talk to her doctor before decided.
If you have a low risk pregnancy, the chances of your baby dying during or shortly after labour is the same as it is during a hospital birth.
If you have a high-risk pregnancy or low-lying placenta or baby in a breech position it is advice have your baby at the hospital but still wants to have a baby at home it is wise request 2 midwives, one for the labour and other for the birth.
Normally the midwives who attend home birth are experienced and trained in resuscitation, what can reduce risks.
What can goes wrong in a Home birth?
The baby's heartbeat can slows. The mother's cervix isn't dilating. Baby can suffering respiratory distress and not being treated in time, this can happen when baby might not be adequately monitored for early signis of distress, whereas in the Hospital he is constantly checked.
Also, the resuscitation at home is less likely to be successful as the midwife might not be as well trained or have adequate equipment.
What is a Natural Birth?
Is the labor that proceeds without medical interventions.
This means without epidural anesthesia or any other drugs, artificial induction of labour and no Caesarean.
The women body are design to give a birth. When the labour come your body engage in a series of motor movement those are natural and automatic.
The baby's home is the uterus a muscle that knows exactly how to do the work of pushing the baby down towards the cervix and once the labour starts the cervix has dilated to about ten centimeters, into a through the birth canal this canal consists of a muscular tissue which remains tightly closed during the pregnancy, keeping baby safely until labour begins and it gradually opens.
The pelvis is almost always adequate in size to allow the passage of the baby, even a very big one, because the four bones that make up the pelvis are joined together by ligaments, that loosen up during late pregnancy and labour. Thats why the pelvis can widen enough for birth take place without damage mum or baby.
This means without epidural anesthesia or any other drugs, artificial induction of labour and no Caesarean.
The women body are design to give a birth. When the labour come your body engage in a series of motor movement those are natural and automatic.
The baby's home is the uterus a muscle that knows exactly how to do the work of pushing the baby down towards the cervix and once the labour starts the cervix has dilated to about ten centimeters, into a through the birth canal this canal consists of a muscular tissue which remains tightly closed during the pregnancy, keeping baby safely until labour begins and it gradually opens.
The pelvis is almost always adequate in size to allow the passage of the baby, even a very big one, because the four bones that make up the pelvis are joined together by ligaments, that loosen up during late pregnancy and labour. Thats why the pelvis can widen enough for birth take place without damage mum or baby.
At six months your baby starts to teething and some of the symptoms you can observe are;
Sore. red gums
Irritable child and crying
Dribbling more than usual
Stomach upsets
Child may develop mild fever
Teething problems respond well to alternative treatments. Bath the child face and dab inflamed gums with a cool water.
Gentle massage to the scalp and back of the head can help calming screaming attacks as well as relaxation.
More pure food than the usual and give the child a chilled piece of carrot or apple. Chamomile or catnip tea or make a cold compress using a square of a clean gauze.
Doctors maybe recommemde Bonjela or Calpol which can soothes away the pain and often quietens the child too.
Lots of cuddles and natural remedies are the best treatment.
Sore. red gums
Irritable child and crying
Dribbling more than usual
Stomach upsets
Child may develop mild fever
Teething problems respond well to alternative treatments. Bath the child face and dab inflamed gums with a cool water.
Gentle massage to the scalp and back of the head can help calming screaming attacks as well as relaxation.
More pure food than the usual and give the child a chilled piece of carrot or apple. Chamomile or catnip tea or make a cold compress using a square of a clean gauze.
Doctors maybe recommemde Bonjela or Calpol which can soothes away the pain and often quietens the child too.
Lots of cuddles and natural remedies are the best treatment.
How to Prepare Figs for Babies and Children
To introduce figs in a diet of a 6 months baby you should wash the figs in a running water and then suck them from 5 to 10 minutes in a boiled water through away the water and blend it. Through away big and hard piece of the skin but leave the seed. Place in a bowl and give to your baby as a dessert, tea time or even mix with his lunch or dinner.
Toddlers can have figs row since of course they are very well washed.
After 2 years old your baby can eat sugar so you can give him dry figs to eat at any time or figs compote.
Children can have figs row, dry, in the lunch or dinner or even with his favorite salad just as adults does.
Figs are amazing for babies and children.
Toddlers can have figs row since of course they are very well washed.
After 2 years old your baby can eat sugar so you can give him dry figs to eat at any time or figs compote.
Children can have figs row, dry, in the lunch or dinner or even with his favorite salad just as adults does.
Figs are amazing for babies and children.
To read more about figs
Figs so Good for Babies and Children
I started my baby in figs when she was 6 months old and even thought it is a expensive fruit to buy out of season I still giving to her. That is because they are a good source of potassium, manganese and dietary fibre especially in fibre pectin. They are also a good source of calcium.
The fibre content of figs is higher than that in any other fruit or vegetable. Five figs containing more that 20 per cent of the daily recommendations for fibre.
Curiously I had observed in my daughter that always when I give her figs or add it in her food she falls in a very relax deep sleep 30 minutes after meal. Later on my studies I find out that figs contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes good sleep, encourage the brain to use glucose properly and stimulate circulation.
Traditionally, they have been used to enhance liver function and, as highly alkaline food they help to regulate the body's pH balance.
They are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which are powerfull antioxidants. Dried figs contain higher levels of naturally occurring sugars, but the other nutrients are well preserved.
Because of all of the above, I strongly recommend figs for babies and children.
The fibre content of figs is higher than that in any other fruit or vegetable. Five figs containing more that 20 per cent of the daily recommendations for fibre.
Curiously I had observed in my daughter that always when I give her figs or add it in her food she falls in a very relax deep sleep 30 minutes after meal. Later on my studies I find out that figs contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes good sleep, encourage the brain to use glucose properly and stimulate circulation.
Traditionally, they have been used to enhance liver function and, as highly alkaline food they help to regulate the body's pH balance.
They are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which are powerfull antioxidants. Dried figs contain higher levels of naturally occurring sugars, but the other nutrients are well preserved.
Because of all of the above, I strongly recommend figs for babies and children.
Do Children Need Milk?
You may be surprise but it is complete possible for a child to develop healthy bones and teeth without drink cow's milk. Some people drink a soya milk or amasake (a rice beverage). Some babies can have a milk allergy if their mothers are drinking cow's milk.
Paul Zane Pilzer in his book The Wellness Revolution writes:
A typical cow in nature can produce up to 10 pounds of milk per day whereas today's torture modern dairy cows produce up to 100 pounds of milk per day are given massive amounts of specialized hormones like bovine growth hormone to increase milk production - making udders so large they often drag on the ground. This result in a frequent infection and the need of constant antibiotics _ the USDA allows drinking milk contain from 1 to 1.5 million white blood cells (that pus to non-biologists) per milliliter.
The bovine growth hormone BGH, pus, and antibiotics remain in the milk after processing and result in all kinds of health problems for those who consume dairy products, especially children. Gas, constipation, allergies and ear infection are common. It is not always clear if the symptoms are from lactose intolerance, antibiotics in milk or allergens in the milk itself.
Dr. Christiane Northrup author of Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom recommend instead of cow's milk that children receive a calcium/magnesium supplement. Magnesium is a mineral that is as important to bone health as calcium. It also helps calcium assimilation. In fact, there is evidence that children are more apt to be magnesium deficient than calcium deficient.
Personally, I still believe very young children should not take tablets at all but have a very good diet with all those food which could provide all the vitamin and nutrients the body need.
Beans, blackstrap molasses, sardines, and dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in calcium, as are a whole host of other foods. The problem is parents allow children go without vegetables for weeks. If this is the case, the supplements are a good option.
Paul Zane Pilzer in his book The Wellness Revolution writes:
A typical cow in nature can produce up to 10 pounds of milk per day whereas today's torture modern dairy cows produce up to 100 pounds of milk per day are given massive amounts of specialized hormones like bovine growth hormone to increase milk production - making udders so large they often drag on the ground. This result in a frequent infection and the need of constant antibiotics _ the USDA allows drinking milk contain from 1 to 1.5 million white blood cells (that pus to non-biologists) per milliliter.
The bovine growth hormone BGH, pus, and antibiotics remain in the milk after processing and result in all kinds of health problems for those who consume dairy products, especially children. Gas, constipation, allergies and ear infection are common. It is not always clear if the symptoms are from lactose intolerance, antibiotics in milk or allergens in the milk itself.
Dr. Christiane Northrup author of Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom recommend instead of cow's milk that children receive a calcium/magnesium supplement. Magnesium is a mineral that is as important to bone health as calcium. It also helps calcium assimilation. In fact, there is evidence that children are more apt to be magnesium deficient than calcium deficient.
Personally, I still believe very young children should not take tablets at all but have a very good diet with all those food which could provide all the vitamin and nutrients the body need.
Beans, blackstrap molasses, sardines, and dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in calcium, as are a whole host of other foods. The problem is parents allow children go without vegetables for weeks. If this is the case, the supplements are a good option.
Sunlight is vitamin D, an essential nutrient for everybody
It is not only children need sunlight. All of us need it. It is difficulty to find a person who doesn't like sun despite all those propaganda about the dangers of sun exposure. This is because our body tell us we need it regular sunlight to be healthy.
Sun increase serotonin levels in our blood and helping to balance melatonin, the sun's UV rays enable our bodies to manufacture vitamin D in the fat layer under the skin.
The regulation for the amount of vitamin D a child need to take is based on the amount a child needs to prevent rickets, a condiction characterized by abnormal bone formation. But prevention of rickets ins't the only benefit of optimal vitamin D levels. There is a greater role for vitamin D than was previously understood. Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a precursor hormone that has an essential role in the maintenance of bone, breast, brain, immune system, and gut health. Throughout our lives adequate vitamin D helps build bones mass, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and build join health.
Researchers have even show that supplementation in infants less than a year old of 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day or take 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight reduced the incidence of type 1 diabetes by 80 per cent. It also decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and help prevent some cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancer. In fact, some doctors believe tha suboptimal levels of vitamin D may be one of the reasons why breast cancer incidence is higher in northern latitudes than nearer the equator.
Exposure to outdoor sunlight is much more reliable predictor of vitamin D levels in your blood than dietary intake. This is party because oral vitamin D requirements have been found to vary tremendously among individuals.
Also, vitamin D content of enricher dairy foods varies widely, especially in low-fat dairy food. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and fat-free or low-fat dairy food doesn't contain enough fat to dissolved it. And while it is possible though rare, to take in toxic levels of vitamin D from suplements, it is impossible for sun exposure to result in too much vitamin D. Our bodily wisdom contains a built-in mechanism whereby we manufacture exactly what we need from the sun _ no more and no less.
To bring vitamin D levels into a healthy range, all that is needed is for a child to play outside with face and hands exposed for twenty minutes without sunscreen three to five times per week for four to five mouths a year (between April and October in northern latitudes. Her body will make enough vitamin D from this exposure to last the entire year. The more body area exposed, the better. People with a darker pigmentation need more time exposure the key is moderation and avoid sunburn.
The safest time is early morning before 10.00 am and later afternoon after 15.00pm. Avoid the midday sun if is possible.
Sun increase serotonin levels in our blood and helping to balance melatonin, the sun's UV rays enable our bodies to manufacture vitamin D in the fat layer under the skin.
The regulation for the amount of vitamin D a child need to take is based on the amount a child needs to prevent rickets, a condiction characterized by abnormal bone formation. But prevention of rickets ins't the only benefit of optimal vitamin D levels. There is a greater role for vitamin D than was previously understood. Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a precursor hormone that has an essential role in the maintenance of bone, breast, brain, immune system, and gut health. Throughout our lives adequate vitamin D helps build bones mass, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and build join health.
Researchers have even show that supplementation in infants less than a year old of 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day or take 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight reduced the incidence of type 1 diabetes by 80 per cent. It also decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and help prevent some cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal cancer. In fact, some doctors believe tha suboptimal levels of vitamin D may be one of the reasons why breast cancer incidence is higher in northern latitudes than nearer the equator.
Exposure to outdoor sunlight is much more reliable predictor of vitamin D levels in your blood than dietary intake. This is party because oral vitamin D requirements have been found to vary tremendously among individuals.
Also, vitamin D content of enricher dairy foods varies widely, especially in low-fat dairy food. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and fat-free or low-fat dairy food doesn't contain enough fat to dissolved it. And while it is possible though rare, to take in toxic levels of vitamin D from suplements, it is impossible for sun exposure to result in too much vitamin D. Our bodily wisdom contains a built-in mechanism whereby we manufacture exactly what we need from the sun _ no more and no less.
To bring vitamin D levels into a healthy range, all that is needed is for a child to play outside with face and hands exposed for twenty minutes without sunscreen three to five times per week for four to five mouths a year (between April and October in northern latitudes. Her body will make enough vitamin D from this exposure to last the entire year. The more body area exposed, the better. People with a darker pigmentation need more time exposure the key is moderation and avoid sunburn.
The safest time is early morning before 10.00 am and later afternoon after 15.00pm. Avoid the midday sun if is possible.
The must have in a baby's bag
Just after your baby is due you will find yourself very busy trying to deal with all that new routine and also have to attend some doctors appointments or just feeling like go out and about with your little one.
For these reason it is nice to keep your baby's bag almost ready to go all the time. After some time you will see how much time you can save just doing such a simple thing.
You will also find you can still doing things you have done before your baby but now with him/her. You can go shopping, parties, go for a last minute lunch or dinner with other mums or just sit with your in a cafe and treat yourself with tea and cakes without need to worry about go home to feed, change or put he/she to sleep.
All you need is to organize yourself and have a good baby buggies and bag.
There are a range of buggies in the market and I believe most of the new models are a kind of "transformer" what mean it is a carry cot that can recline and became a reclined chair or a sit straight chair, facing forwards mums or street.
They are handful especially when your baby starts solids and can have food comfortable in his/her on chair wherever you are.
Some buggies are huge but it can be use up to two years old and you can save some money going for it.
When comes to baby's bag the variety of them in the market is even bigger. I would recommend to any mother any one with a big room in the middle part and good 2 other rooms; one for changing. and other for feeding
Below I had listed items those can help you at anytime you go out. You may think it is an exaggeration but you will be please to have whenever you need it. Also remember not to kill
yourself to carrying it, stick it under babies pram.
The must have items in a baby's bag up to 1 year.
* A folding change mat
* 5 nappies
* Nappy bag (for dirty ones)
* Baby wipes
* Mini cream anti rash
* Hand gel
* A muslin
* extra vest and clothes
* sun hat (if is summer)
* Sun Cream (if is summer)
* blanket or accessories (for breast feeding babies)
* Bottle of milk (bottle feeding)
* disposable bottle bags and extra teats if you wants to carry only a bottle of milk
* Flask with a hot water in right temperature (bf)
* Containers with powder milk or 3 cartoon of milk (bf)
* A toy
* Snacks for you and baby (if he/she is more then 6 months)
* A jar of food as emergency for baby
* A cup for water
After a year this list decrease considerably and a cup for milk or a cartoon of drinking from the strew milk, toilet wipes instead bottles, containers powders, flask and muslin or blanket.
For these reason it is nice to keep your baby's bag almost ready to go all the time. After some time you will see how much time you can save just doing such a simple thing.
You will also find you can still doing things you have done before your baby but now with him/her. You can go shopping, parties, go for a last minute lunch or dinner with other mums or just sit with your in a cafe and treat yourself with tea and cakes without need to worry about go home to feed, change or put he/she to sleep.
All you need is to organize yourself and have a good baby buggies and bag.
There are a range of buggies in the market and I believe most of the new models are a kind of "transformer" what mean it is a carry cot that can recline and became a reclined chair or a sit straight chair, facing forwards mums or street.
They are handful especially when your baby starts solids and can have food comfortable in his/her on chair wherever you are.
Some buggies are huge but it can be use up to two years old and you can save some money going for it.
When comes to baby's bag the variety of them in the market is even bigger. I would recommend to any mother any one with a big room in the middle part and good 2 other rooms; one for changing. and other for feeding
Below I had listed items those can help you at anytime you go out. You may think it is an exaggeration but you will be please to have whenever you need it. Also remember not to kill
yourself to carrying it, stick it under babies pram.
The must have items in a baby's bag up to 1 year.
* A folding change mat
* 5 nappies
* Nappy bag (for dirty ones)
* Baby wipes
* Mini cream anti rash
* Hand gel
* A muslin
* extra vest and clothes
* sun hat (if is summer)
* Sun Cream (if is summer)
* blanket or accessories (for breast feeding babies)
* Bottle of milk (bottle feeding)
* disposable bottle bags and extra teats if you wants to carry only a bottle of milk
* Flask with a hot water in right temperature (bf)
* Containers with powder milk or 3 cartoon of milk (bf)
* A toy
* Snacks for you and baby (if he/she is more then 6 months)
* A jar of food as emergency for baby
* A cup for water
After a year this list decrease considerably and a cup for milk or a cartoon of drinking from the strew milk, toilet wipes instead bottles, containers powders, flask and muslin or blanket.
How important is iron in a toddler's diet?
It is really important for a healthy blood cells, which are used to carry oxygen for the whole body.
Iron deficiency and anaemia can cause difficult behaviour and poor concentration in toddlers.
Iron sources can be find i a red meat, beans especially black, oily fish, all dark green vegetables as broccoli, fortified breakfast cereals, dried fruit as apricots, acai berry, vitamins C fruits milk enriched with iron and other vitamins and minerals are also a complementary good source.
The Department of Health recommends that children aged between one and three years have 6.9mg of iron a day what it is quite a lot consider they found the UK children are getting only 5.6mg. In another word 8 out of 10 UK toddlers aren't meeting the recommended daily amount of iron.
You can help your child absorb more iron each day by providing a diet variety rich in iron sour and adding to this a glass of orange juice to help the body in the iron absorption.
To have an idea of how difficult is for the body absorb iron, just to get half of the recommended iron intake, a toddlers would have to consume around 8 broccoli florets or 3 grilled lamb chops. For this reason is also important you make sure your toddler carry on drinking at least 500ml of milk per day in between a good food diet up to two years old.
Iron deficiency and anaemia can cause difficult behaviour and poor concentration in toddlers.
Iron sources can be find i a red meat, beans especially black, oily fish, all dark green vegetables as broccoli, fortified breakfast cereals, dried fruit as apricots, acai berry, vitamins C fruits milk enriched with iron and other vitamins and minerals are also a complementary good source.
The Department of Health recommends that children aged between one and three years have 6.9mg of iron a day what it is quite a lot consider they found the UK children are getting only 5.6mg. In another word 8 out of 10 UK toddlers aren't meeting the recommended daily amount of iron.
You can help your child absorb more iron each day by providing a diet variety rich in iron sour and adding to this a glass of orange juice to help the body in the iron absorption.
To have an idea of how difficult is for the body absorb iron, just to get half of the recommended iron intake, a toddlers would have to consume around 8 broccoli florets or 3 grilled lamb chops. For this reason is also important you make sure your toddler carry on drinking at least 500ml of milk per day in between a good food diet up to two years old.
This is the middle term of a doubt every parent has once the child starts to pay attention on TV programs and play video games.
This is a nice research that should be take very serious by parents. As I listen once " the middle is always the best place".
Activity in excess affect children development
Educating a child is not an easy task. Research at University of Montreal, Canada, indicates that children who spend much time watching TV have difficulties in mathematics. Other studies show that excessive gaming is bad and there are those that ensure that electronic games aid vision. What to do before so much information?
Experts say the ideal is to quantitate the activities, alternating work tasks that the two hemispheres of the brain: the left, responsible for logical thinking, and the right, more creative and dreamy.
"For a good intellectual and social development is important to merge activities that stimulate both sides of the brain, like logic games or painting," recommends the course coordinator Daniel Azulay, VĂ¢nia Gennaro.
She recalls that, while drawing, for example, the child works sensitivity, perception and intuition, characteristics that may be a differential in the future. "These skills enhance self-esteem, crucial for life."
Neurologist childhood and adolescence, Marco Antonio Alvarez said that parents should always seek dosing technology with creativity. "Children of the digital age are perhaps better able to relate through a keyboard than with speech, sight and touch. It is important to develop non-verbal language, recognize feelings across the face and gestures to interact with different social groups, learning to listen, express their emotions and be empathic. Furthermore, studies indicate that dealing with computer have a higher concentration and better cognitive skills. "
The doctor explains that the brain is a dynamic organ that must be carved. "The brain is not born ready. Needs to be stimulated and shaped. It's like a city with streets and avenues. If you do not put cars to walk the streets, they close. Telling stories, for example, may seem a purely recreational activity, but stimulates the development of sequencing and organizing activities. "
Stress and absence of parents: Villains
Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which causes cell death in the hippocampus, the brain area responsible for long-term memory. Therefore, no overcharging.
" Children need their parents more than several extracurricular classes. Maybe it's better to play ball with her, singing, playing, than put it into classes. Of course, if she wants to play an instrument or do something specific, will lecture. But if it is very charged, may have anxiety disorder, "says psychiatrist Fabio Barbirato.
Source: O Dia Online.
This is a nice research that should be take very serious by parents. As I listen once " the middle is always the best place".
Activity in excess affect children development
Educating a child is not an easy task. Research at University of Montreal, Canada, indicates that children who spend much time watching TV have difficulties in mathematics. Other studies show that excessive gaming is bad and there are those that ensure that electronic games aid vision. What to do before so much information?
Experts say the ideal is to quantitate the activities, alternating work tasks that the two hemispheres of the brain: the left, responsible for logical thinking, and the right, more creative and dreamy.
"For a good intellectual and social development is important to merge activities that stimulate both sides of the brain, like logic games or painting," recommends the course coordinator Daniel Azulay, VĂ¢nia Gennaro.
She recalls that, while drawing, for example, the child works sensitivity, perception and intuition, characteristics that may be a differential in the future. "These skills enhance self-esteem, crucial for life."
Neurologist childhood and adolescence, Marco Antonio Alvarez said that parents should always seek dosing technology with creativity. "Children of the digital age are perhaps better able to relate through a keyboard than with speech, sight and touch. It is important to develop non-verbal language, recognize feelings across the face and gestures to interact with different social groups, learning to listen, express their emotions and be empathic. Furthermore, studies indicate that dealing with computer have a higher concentration and better cognitive skills. "
The doctor explains that the brain is a dynamic organ that must be carved. "The brain is not born ready. Needs to be stimulated and shaped. It's like a city with streets and avenues. If you do not put cars to walk the streets, they close. Telling stories, for example, may seem a purely recreational activity, but stimulates the development of sequencing and organizing activities. "
Stress and absence of parents: Villains
Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which causes cell death in the hippocampus, the brain area responsible for long-term memory. Therefore, no overcharging.
" Children need their parents more than several extracurricular classes. Maybe it's better to play ball with her, singing, playing, than put it into classes. Of course, if she wants to play an instrument or do something specific, will lecture. But if it is very charged, may have anxiety disorder, "says psychiatrist Fabio Barbirato.
Source: O Dia Online.
How to treat baby’s cold and flu?
As soon as your baby’s born you’ll be invited to enroll in some baby’s groups where you can learn from health visitors and other mum’s . Some of the topics they will discuss are baby development, immunization, sleep, baby’s food etc. However, they will not discuss how to treat cold and flu and before you know it your baby will have a cold or flu. This is partly caused by the group environment being the perfect place to pass on infections and also being out and about with your newborn in a pushchair will expose them to pollution from streets, cars etc.. You need to remember your baby doesn’t have a built in defence against these.
In this case, the best thing you can do it is prepare yourself to deal with the situation because you can’t be over protective. Remember getting some of these bugs will help your baby’s immune system become resistant.
To be prepare you should get yourself some of the anti-cold and flu items from the supermarket. These are:
1) A warn humidifier or facial sauna
2) A thermometer
3) Saline drops
4) Calpol or Neurofren
5) Karvol nasal decongestant
6) Something to lift your baby’s cot
7) Very soft tissues
The above list are the most essential items you can buy to help your baby get rid of cold and flu and you won’t always use all of them. For example if your baby gets a cold with a runny or blocked nose and suffers tiredness you might try the warn humidifier or facial sauna, saline drops, lifting the cot (so baby can sleep better at night), and if baby’s nose is very blocked you might use some tissues. The thermometer and medication might only be used if baby has a flu which includes other symptoms such as a temperature, tears, refusing feeding etc .
What you should do when you observe you baby is starting to get a cold or flu?
You should using the warn humidifier or facial sauna as soon as you can. Any doctor will recommend you to put your baby’s face close to a facial sauna and this should be done as an adult does. I find this is a very popular thing and lots of people already have one at home so you can use it as long as you take care to wash it very well by sterilizing the plastic pieces with a hot water and wiping it with alcohol gel.
To use the facia sauna try putting in clean water and switching it on on a low place or even on the floor. When the water starts to boil and steam comes out, hold your baby facing the sauna in a way so that he is getting the steam in his face but not touching the whole thing or burning his face. Let him breath as much as is possible because this is what will help the bad symptoms come out during the day. You can do this as often as you want during the day and also at night. At night switch it on in your baby’s room on the floor close to the cot. If you have a warn humidifier, you will find is even better because you switch it on in the room where you baby is, close the door and let the steam fulfil the whole room. Be careful as you use this to make sure that after exposing baby to the hot temperature that you don’t go somewhere cool or wipe your baby’s forehead with cold water etc. It can be very dangerous to change the temperature quickly even during the day. Remember babies are very sensitive.
While doing this, always have some tissues around and clean your baby’s nose pressing gentle from up to down cleaning out all the mucus.
If when listening to baby’s breathing you sense they are full of catarrh you should try the saline drops. When using drops remember to do one nostril first and the second nostril five minutes later. NEVER put both at once otherwise the mucus accumulates in the back of his throat blocking the airways. There are different brands of saline drops on the market and after trying a range of them I found the best one is the Calpol Spray. This is exactly because it has a spray function and one thing we know is that babies don’t like things in their nose and won’t keep themselves still for you to try.
For the same reason, if your case baby has a temperature and you need to use Calpol get a syringe to avoid fighting with the spoon. Neurofren does come with a syringe which is a help but Calpol doesn’t. Some mums ask if they should give Calpol or Neurofren and what is the best? I personally think Neurofren is the best because it has a more acceptable flavour for babies and a deep and longer effect like a pain killer. However, Calpol has a fast effect but can be used without worry if your baby has asthma or eczema. Neurofren can’t be used if your baby has asthma or eczema and if you suspect these conditions the its better to use Calpol in a very young child. NEVER give your child both Calpol and Neurofren, neither together nor after 2 hours, nor after two days. Do not give your child any medication before reading and understanding the label. Remember if the symptoms don’t disappear book an appointment with a Doctor.
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